I Live in a Humid Climate – What Can I Do to Stop My Hair From Frizzing?

I recently relocated to Florida. As the summer season down here starts to heat up, it seems like combatting frizz has become a new daily battle. FORTUNATELY, there are a few tricks up my sleeve I’d like to share with you if you are always wondering, “What can I do to stop my hair from frizzing?”
What Causes Frizzy Hair in Humid Climates?
What causes frizzy hair in humid climates? The long answer is that the more humid it is outside, the more that humidity seeks out moisture, including what’s in your hair. Humidity will mess around with your hair fibers, forcing your hair to turn into a frizzy mess.
The short answer to what causes frizzy hair in humid climates? The level of humidity outside is greater than the amount of moisture in your hair, even if it’s dry. In other words, the proportions are off.
This is problematic, though, for a few reasons. First and foremost, your hair needs moisture to be healthy. Without moisture, your hair will feel and look brittle and even appear duller. Second, it leads to frizz, which if you’re like me and live somewhere warm the majority of the year, can be really difficult to manage.
The good news is that I have found a few hair hacks to combat frizzy hair. Here are my best finds that I’d like to share with you:
Use a Leave-in-Conditioner
Conditioner does a lot of neat things like promoting hair growth and making locks stronger. But did you know it also combats frizz?
When I lived up north, I could get away with just using rinse-out conditioner (I love the Hask brand!) My hair looked and felt shiny. However, even when used, my hair still puffs out now that I’m dealing with 80 and 90-degree temps. One product I’ve had luck with is a leave-in conditioner.
Leave-in conditioner can be used with regular rinse-out conditioner. After you get out of the shower, dry your hair and apply your leave-in conditioner while your hair is still damp. This is crucial, as waiting until it starts to dry or is dry, won’t have the desired effect.
How much you add depends on the thickness and length of your hair. I have fine hair and recently cut my hair into a bob. Because of this, I only use a spritz or two of Biolage Strength Recovery Leave-In Conditioner. You can get it on Amazon and it’s vegan, cruelty-free, and invigorates my dry hair beautifully.
Have Dryer Sheets Handy
Alright, this is going to be a bit of a weird frizzy hair hack – but trust me, it works.
Though this shouldn’t be used long-term, if you’re in a pinch, run a dryer sheet across your hair once or twice to get rid of frizz. I usually keep a pack of dryer sheets in my glove compartment if I want to quickly get rid of frizz before I get out of my car.
The Guardian published a really fascinating article about the science behind this. Basically, our hair is negatively charged whereas dryer sheets are positively charged. This means they essentially interact with one another, creating what’s known as an attractive force. Simply put, the result is that these charges attract to one another and that’s what causes your hair to calm down.
Would I recommend this as a permanent solution for combatting frizzy hair on humid days? No. But as a stop-gap measure and a quick fix? Absolutely! Just heed my warning and use a hair perfume after you do. Most dryer sheets have a distinct laundry scent to them. So if you don’t want to smell like Downy, spritz a little Aussie Flora Aura Scent Boost Spray. It sells for less than $10 and makes my hair smell like jasmine!
Avoid Blow Drying Your Hair
Another useful tip for combatting frizzy hair in humid climates is letting my hair dry naturally.
Though blow drying may make it easier to style, it also sucks up moisture in your hair. This makes sense, considering you’re applying extreme heat to wet hair. By opting to air dry your hair instead, you’re letting your hair retain what moisture it has.
I’d still recommend using a leave-in conditioner with this hair hack. As mentioned above, humidity will suck up any moisture your hair has left. By putting something in that will retain moisture, you’re doing the best job at combatting frizz even if it’s 100 degrees out.
These are just a few of the hair hacks I’ve found useful in treating frizzy hair since I moved to Florida. I recommend giving any of them a try.
Though I love these products, feel free to experiment with whatever works for you, including your preferred fragrance and price. As long as you stick to products designed to add moisture and these hacks, you should be able to calm down frizzy hair no matter the temperature.