I Applied Rosemary Oil to My Eyebrows and Here’s What Happened

Do you want a hair hack that will raise some eyebrows? Try putting rosemary oil in them.
Like many beauty hacks, users of rosemary oil swear by its ability to stimulate hair follicles for hair growth. This results in fuller, thicker eyebrows.
Also preferring thicker eyebrows, I decided to give this eyebrow hack a try. Here’s my experience applying rosemary oil to my eyebrows. I’ll also cover some other important details you should know about adding essential oils to your daily skin routine.
Why Rosemary Oil? Benefits of Using Rosemary Oil on Your Eyebrows
Rosemary oil comes from the rosemary plant. If you’ve ever used rosemary in your cooking before, you know just how fragrant it can be. However, if not, rosemary is known for its earthy and somewhat minty scent. This scent and other important ingredients from the plant are extracted. This turns into the concentrated essential oil we all know and love.
Rosemary has been linked to several notable health benefits. This includes improving memory, lowering stress levels, and working as a natural pain reliever. However, in terms of this article and beauty benefits, the biggest is believed to be hair growth.
According to research published on Medical News Today, two studies linked the use of rosemary oil and hair growth. One study was from 2015, which showed a high probability of this being an effective method of hair growth for those with androgenic alopecia.
The other study, published in 2022, found sufficient evidence that using rosemary oil for hair growth yielded the same results as using Minoxidil. Minoxidil is a medication that aids in hair growth.
These results are promising, but not indicative of confirmation. In other words, more research is needed to confirm the positive effect of this on hair growth.
How to Apply Rosemary Oil to Your Eyebrows to Make Them Fuller
When applying rosemary oil to your eyebrows, be sure to use caution. Essential oils can irritate your skin. Considering the skin around your eyebrows is so thin, the last thing you want to do is irritate them. Fortunately, there’s a safe and easy way for you to apply this to your eyebrows.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- An empty mascara wand
- Rosemary oil
- Some sort of carrier oil, such as coconut oil, sesame oil, or almond oil; you can also use lemon if you wish
In a small bowl, add five drops of rosemary oil for every 10 ml of coconut or almond oil to dilute it. All essential oils are very fast evaporators. By mixing it with a carrier oil, you’re extending its shelf-life, so you’ll glean more benefits.
Once everything is mixed, add some onto your mascara wand and gently brush through your eyebrows. Do one application twice per day. I tried morning when applying my makeup and at night when I took it off.
Keep up with this regime for up to six months to see possible results.
My Experience With Adding Rosemary Oil to My Eyebrows
I feel like a hack when I say that I sadly did not keep up with this trick for developing thicker eyebrows. Life gets in the way sometimes, you know?
Though I don’t have insight into whether or not this hack works, there are a lot of users on TikTok, like @ugccharlotte and @lilagrayy who claim this has helped with their hair growth.
That being said, I didn’t hate the process of adding rosemary oil to my eyebrows. For starters, it made my eyebrows softer. This is because essential oils can help fight dryness.
Also, because of the proximity to my nose, I was able to easily smell the rosemary oil. As mentioned above, this has been linked to reducing stress and anxiety because of how fragrant it is. So, even if I wasn’t doing this trick long enough to glean thicker eyebrows, I was smelling it often enough to ease my anxiety. This went a long way when I was battling insomnia caused by too many racing thoughts.
Final Thoughts: Should You Try Adding This to Your Eyebrows?
Should you add rosemary oil to your eyebrows? Is it worth giving it a try? On all accounts, I say yes!
Enough evidence has shown a possible connection between its use and hair growth, as long as you stick with it. If you don’t see results in six months, then at the very least you gave it a go! Either way, it makes your eyebrows softer and easier to comb down if they’re usually messy. Plus, it helps ease anxiety. I call both of these a win-win.
Now that I’m settled in Florida and have more free time, I’d like to give this hack another try. I loved where it was headed, and if beauty gurus on TikTok are standing by it, then maybe there’s something here!